Big Projects

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Web app built on the MEN (MongoDB, Express, Node) stack. Launched using heroku and mLab. Website displays campgrounds along with the campsites location, price, and description. Users can register and login to add campgrounds or comments. Google's API is used to show campgrounds location on map.

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Android Movie Application

Android application that displays popular movies from using a API key. Application shows the movie image, title, rating and a brief description of the movie. Fetches movie data as a JSON string from and parses the string into movie objects.

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Small Projects

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RESTful Blog Application

Blog website using the 7 RESTful routes - index, new, create, show, edit, update, and destroy. Allows users to add a title, image and content for a blog post. Users can also edit and delete them.

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MySQL Web Application

Simple web app using MySQL and Node.js. User submits their name and email to join. Information is entered into a MySQL database using clearDB, which updates the counter on the the webpage. Heroku is used to launch the web application.

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First Website Created

Static personal website created on school servers using HTML, CSS and bootstrap

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The RGB Color Game

Game of guessing the color from the given rgb value. Values and colors are chosen at random.

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Circle Sounds

User can press any letter A-Z and a different color circle will show up on screen with a sound. Each keystroke has it's own sound and color, while the placement on the screen is random. Does not work on tablets or mobile devices.

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