Michael Wooton

Web Developer | Software Engineer | Based in the ATX


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Although born in England, I moved to Austin when I was less than 2 years old and was raised a Texan. Always being interested in how things are put together and interact, I got my professional start in the car business, where I soaked up as much knowledge as I could for around 10 years. I wanted to start putting less tangible things together, and off I went to college to start studying electrical engineering. After my first computer science course, I fell in love with coding. So much so, I decided to change my major to computer science and start to really focus on the engineering side of things.

I graduated from Texas State University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a minor in Applied Mathematics. I am passionate about building innovative software that improves the way we interact with technology. I enjoy doing web development, working with embedded systems, and making mobile applications.

When I'm not behind a computer, you will find me enjoying the outdoors. I love to travel, camp, and do anything that allows me to be around water. My favorite hobby by far is kayaking, and I love to compete in long distance races. I'm a two-time finisher of the Missouri River 340-mile race; a long and grueling non-stop race that can make people question their sanity! In the future, I hope to push my limits and compete in the Ironman triathlon.

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Favorite Resources

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Code Wars

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Stack Overflow

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Font Awesome

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MDN Web Docs

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Contact Form

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"This Ain't No Wix Website Builder"